
High-grade Angiosarcoma Associated with Ruptured Breast Implants 2013 >>

At least 2 major studies (13,500 women over 8 years) raise questions about the long-term safety and health effects of breast implants.

1. The first study found that women with breast implants are more likely to die from:

  • brain tumors

  • lung cancer

  • other respiratory diseases

  • suicide compared with other patients who have undergone plastic surgery.

2. The second study found a

  • 21% overall increased risk of cancer for women with implants, compared with women of the same age in the general population.

The efficacy of augmentation mammoplasty on psychological well-being is also poorly defined. Many reports have attributed patient’s improved self-image and self-esteem to breast augmentation; others, however, have documented increased suicide risk and a trebled death risk from alcoholism and the abuse of prescription as well as recreational drugs, which is a seemingly contradictory outcome to the manufacturers’ assertion that implants improve a woman’s feeling of self-worth.