Conflicts of interests
Scientists with ties to the industry
On the website Pro Publica you can find payments plastic surgeons/researchers from manufacturers. >>
Dollars for Docs >>
Database of the United Scientists 'About integrity in Science' >>
We found several scientists conducted research on silicone breast implants and simultaneously had financial ties to the industry.
The following information could suggest that the approval of the breast implants in the US in 2006, is also based on these research results.
Not only we have these thoughts also scientists share this opinion >>
There are two large studies, which were referred by governments, showing that silicone breast implants can't cause autoimmune diseases.
Risk of connective tissue disease and related disorders among women with breast implants: a nation-wide retrospective cohort study in Sweden. >>
Conclusion: This large nationwide cohort study shows no evidence of association between breast implants and connective tissue disease.Researchers of this study, appear in the database: ‘Integrity in Science’ >>
2. Breast implants and risk of neurologic disease: a population-based cohort study in Sweden. >>
Conclusion: Our results provide no support for the conjecture that breast implants cause neurologic disease.
Researchers of this study, appear in the database: ‘Integrity in Science’ >>
Secret ties to industry and conflicting interests in cancer research >>
Quote from this paper published in the AMERICAN JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL MEDICINE (2006) :
"A number of research projects have taken place at the Karolinska Institute, Stockholm with participation of Boice and McLaughlin,
with a funding model through IEI. One of he studies was published in British Medical Journal [Nyre´n et al., 1998]
with Adami as a co-author. A cohort of Swedish women with breast implants was studied with regard to connective tissue disease.
No risk was found. Thanks to strict rules of stating conflicts of interest in the British Medical Journal it can be seen that the
project was initiated by IEI, and that the funding from IEI was on behalf of Dow Corning, producer of silicon breast implants".