What would cause breast implant rupture?
- Daily exercise such as walking and running.
- Repeated muscle movements of the arm, chest, back, neck.
- Age of the implant
- Capsular contracture
- Pressure during mammograms
- Damage caused by surgical instruments
- Damage by biopsy or drainage
- Too much/little filled (saline)
- Pressure on the body, eg; an accident, mammography or (even) sleeping position (stomach) and sex.
- Placing implants through a belly button incision
- During surgery
- Chemical vulnerability of the implants
- Rippling and wrinkling .
- Sauna visit
- Diving
- Mountain sports
- Power Plate (vibrating plate)
What do you notice when a breast implant ruptures?
- Pain
- Sensitivity
- Swelling
- Lumps
- Softened or hardened breast
- Sometimes you won't notice anything, after a while you're feeling weaker.
Also cohesive implants can rupture, sometimes within 2 - 3 years. >>
MRI - pictures page 11 - 30 >>
Scientific research rupture >>