Thyroid diseases
Thyroid diseases frequently occur; ca 10% of the women with symptoms, reported a thyroid disease; e.g. Hashimoto, Graves' disease.
Endoscopic thyroidectomy via a transaxillary approach is a safe procedure in patients with breastaugmentation. 2013 >>
Reasonably safe? Breast implants and informed consent.2010 >>
Hashimoto's thyroiditis and silicone breast implants: 2 cases 1997 >>
Autoimmune reactions in patients with silicone breast implants. 1996 >>
The effect of silicone-gel on the immune response. 1995 >>
A clinical and laboratory profile of symptomatic women with silicone breast implants. 1994 >>
Risk of connective-tissue diseases and other disorders after breast implantation. 1994 >>
Immune functional impairment in patients with clinical abnormalities and silicone breast implants. 1992 >>
Autoimmune phenomena after silicone implantation 1987 >>