1. Silicone implants safe? We think differently and they don't last a lifetime. >>
2. Cohesive implants can also rupture and leak. >>
3. Rupture: 30% ruptures within 5 years, 50% within 10 years, and 70% within 17 years >>
By repetitive movements, heavy pressure, mammography, sauna, abdominal sleep >>
MRIs of ruptured implants >>
4. Gel bleed; always (from day one) because of the porous envelope, even if completely intact >>
5. Migration: Silicone moves through the body. It is impossible to remove >>
6. Capsular contracture: One of the most common problems >>
7. Pain: Burning pain due to encapsulation, rupture, siliconomas, shifting of the implant
8. Inflammations: Infections occur occasionally and can lead to necrosis (death tissue). >>
9. Seroma: Fluid around implant. Sometimes this indicates ALCL (a type of Cancer / Non Hodgkin) >>
According the FDA every 6 months, 5 years follow up >>
10. Diseases: You can develop all kinds of diseases. Autoimmune diseases are incurable. >>
11. Cancer: ALCL: Anaplastic large cell lymphoma, a type of cancer / Non Hodgkin is associated with implants >>
12. Hypersensitivity: You can become sensitive to silicone, soon after implantation >>
13. Siliconomas: are accumulations (lumps) of silicones, which sometimes move through the body >>
14. Breastmilk: Chemicals from implants may end up in breast milk, your child can get affected. >>
15. Placenta: Compounds or its metabolites pass across the placental barrier. affecting your unborn baby. >>
16. Replacement: Implants have to be replaced every 10 years, according the FDA. >>
17. Re-operations: The numbers of re-operations are very high. >>
Most of the re-operations are required in women with a reconstruction. >>
18. Breast cancer screening: They can rupture during a mammogram >>
19. Tumors: implants can obscure the mammography image of a tumor >>
20. Suicide risks: two to three fold increased risk of suicide in women with cosmetic augmentation implants compared to the general population. >>
21. Donor: Don't become a donor!
22. Consider costs for explantation